“Mobile phone, a bit of time — and you develop your cybersecurity skills in a fun way.”
“Mobile phone, a bit of time — and you develop your cybersecurity skills in a fun way.”
Mobile games are for everyone
Look around you on public transport and you will quickly notice how many people are wrapped up in their mobile phones. They are watching TV shows, browsing news, and reading messages. Many are also playing mobile games.
We have developed a mobile game to improve people’s cybersecurity knowledge and skills. The features and possibilities offered by mobile games provide an excellent opportunity to reach a wide range of people with information about cybersecurity. Through our game, players can increase their understanding of cyber threats and safe practices.
The game should be easy to play and have an intuitive user interface that is suitable also for casual players. The game has been designed to make it easy for players to pick up the features and get into the game quickly. Mobile games are ideal for short gaming sessions that fill in short breaks during the day. The game can be played for a few minutes at a time, and often it evolves on its own while the player is away.
Trailer for the upcoming game
A good game has a hook that keeps players coming back for more. In our game, the hook is to build new factories and improve the old ones. As the game progresses, players deepen their understanding of cyber threats by doing phishing and building botnets.
The game is free, but it has to compete with other mobile games. No matter how good the purpose of the game is, without a good gaming experience it will be left in obscurity on the shelves of the application stores. When competing with global gaming giants, we hope to gain visibility through our players’ recommendations.
The game will be available for testing by the autumn and will be officially released in November 2024.
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Janne Riiheläinen, Cybersecurity Specialist